해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Toy Hammer w/Lights, Learning Mode and Music Mode – Baby Hammer Toy Plays 6 Short Kids' Songs, Counts 1-10 w/Baby, Changes Funny Expressions and Lights Up – for Kids 12 Months and Older

상품번호 B07VN8H1Z8
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Baby & Toddler Toys
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상품가격 $29.99
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COMBINE PLAY AND LEARNING – Multi-function developmental toys for babies are the key to unlock learning opportunities for your child and support their early development; this is a perfect toddler birthday present or baby giftMUSIC MODE – Press the button on top of our musical toys for infants device to play any of 6 different favorite kids\' tunes; music keeps your child interested and curious, providing hours of happy entertainmentLEARNING MODE – When your child pounds the hammer, the eyes change, lights sparkle and the toy hammer counts out loud from 1 to 10; it\'s an ideal way to teach beginning numbers and counting concepts to your childASTM CERTIFIED – We prioritize child safety, always check before you buy any infant toys and baby musical toys; this toddler toy is ASTM certified, which is your guarantee for exceptional child safety, quality and performanceSUPERB VALUE – This single baby toy hammer does the work of several toddler learning toys, by engaging your child\'s curiosity and transforming play time into a valuable learning activity; 2x AAA 1.5-volt batteries required (not included)

2024-07-11 12:06:21

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