해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nestl Reading Pillow Standard Bed Pillow, Back Pillow for Sitting in Bed Shredded Memory Foam Chair Pillow, Reading & Bed Rest Pillows Cherry Red Back Pillow for Bed, Bed Chair Arm Pillow with Pockets

상품번호 B07VWKF4W7
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상품가격 $46.99
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PlushEXPERIENCE ULTIMATE RELAXATION: The Nestl Reading Pillow is unlike any back pillow you’ve tried before. The perfect size for kids, teens and adults, our sturdy, fully and supportive sitting reading pillow will envelop you with cozy warmth while you read in bed or watch TV!IRRESISTIBLE COMFORT & LUXURY: Covered with a plush, luxurious, oh so soft cover and filled with premium, high density, shredded memory foam that contours to your body for the perfect amount of support.BONUS POCKETS: 3 convenient pockets help you create a cozy nest so that you don’t have to get up once you’ve finally gotten really comfortable! The 2 small side pockets are handy for storing a remote, phone, while the larger back pocket is the perfect size for keeping extra magazines, books, or a tablet.CUSTOMIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE: Choose from 44 vibrant colors! Our velvety soft pillow covers are removable and machine washable so you can relax with hot tea or coffee without worrying about spills and stains! We recommend purchasing additional covers so you can keep using your pillow while the cover is being washed, or to match the décor in different rooms.EASY CARY AND ADJUSTABLE: Easily carry the reading pillow to another room with the convenient carrying handle. A zipper on the inner shell of the reading pillow allows you to remove or shift around the foam clusters for truly individualized comfort.

2024-05-16 14:39:04

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