해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 Super FTW3 Ultra, Overclocked, 2.75 Slot Extreme Cool Triple + iCX2, 65C Gaming, RGB, Metal Backplate, 8GB GDDR6, 08G-P4-3277-KR

상품번호 B07WNS5L69
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상품가격 $610.64
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Real Boost Clock: 1815 MHz; Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6.Real-time Ray tracing in games for cutting-edge, hyper-realistic Graphics.
The EVGA GeForce RTX 20-series graphics cards are powered by the all-new NVIDIA Turing architecture to give you incredible new levels of gaming realism, speed, power efficiency, and immersion. With the EVGA GeForce RTX 20-series gaming cards you get the best gaming experience with the next generation graphics performance, ice cold cooling, and advanced overclocking features with the all new EVGA Precision x1 software. The new NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPUs have reinvented graphics and set a new bar for performance. Powered by the new NVIDIA Turing GPU architecture and the revolutionary NVIDIA RTX platform, The new graphics cards bring together real-time Ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and programmable shading. This is not only a whole new way to experience games - this is the ultimate PC gaming experience.

2020-03-12 12:27:14

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