해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sijo Stone Washed Organic French Linen Bed Sheet Set, GOTS Certified Organic, Best Cooling Linen Sheet Award by Sleep Foundation, 4 Piece - 2 Pillowcases, 1 Fitted and 1 Flat (Dove, Queen)

상품번호 B07WPN6BLD
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상품가격 $295.00
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Awarded as "The Softest Linen Sheets" by Sleep Foundation. Also Featured in ‘Forbes’, ‘Vogue’, \'GQ\', ‘Well+Good’, ‘Cosmopolitan’, and ‘Fast Company’ etc. "SIJO French flax linen has a higher fabric density than most other brands, which lends to its durability." — Business Insider. "SIJO\'s French Linen is stone-washed for softness and free from chemicals or fabric softeners, unlike some linen brands, which can rely on chemicals to soften them up quickly." — Domino100% GOTS Certified Organic: Made by 100% GOTS Organic Certified French Linen sourced in small batches from the Normandy region of France, an area known for producing some of the best linen in the world. The natural linen sheet is recyclable, sustainable and eco-friendly. Hypoallergenic organic sheets are not bleached or dyed so that the sheets are friendly for people with allergies.High GSM: With 175 grams per square meter (GSM), higher than all other sheets on the market, SIJO linen sheets are one of the most durable sheets on the market and still offer the ultimate softness.Softer After Every Wash: Because our linen sheets are preshrunk and stonewashed, they are already soft to the touch. Machine wash with cold water and completely rinse any soap or detergent from your French Linen to keep them incredibly soft, tumble dry on low steam and dry cleaned if preferred. They will become softer after every wash. It also does not pill as fast at cotton.Snug Fit Your Mattress Well: SIJO 100% French Linen 16" deep pocket sheets have been stitched using premium quality rip-resistant elastic, which aids in perfect snug fitting to mattresses with 16" thickness. The fitted sheet will stay secured around the base of the mattress and won’t slip off from the corner of mattress frequently.

2025-02-05 00:55:05

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