해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Masirs Clear Underbed Storage Bag, Durable Vinyl Material to Shield Your Contents from Dust, Dirt and Moisture, Easy Gliding Zipper for Easy Access and Label Pocket for Easy Identification, (2-Pack)

상품번호 B07WQYG23G
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상품가격 $14.99
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PROTECT YOUR STORAGE ITEMS: Shield all your storage contents from dust, dirt and moisture.DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: Made from heavy-gauge vinyl with an easy gliding nylon zipper that resists wear and tear.CONVENIENT CLEAR SIDE POCKET FOR LABELING: Easily identify everything you have stored without needing to unpack.VERSATILE: Great for storing sleeping bags, blankets, linens, towels, sweaters or anything you wish to safeguard.AVAILABLE IN THREE DIFFERENT SIZES: A variety of sizes to choose from to suit your particular needs.
Shield your storage items from dust, dirt and moisture using these transparent durable storage bags. Constructed from heavy-gauge vinyl, these bags are made to resist wear and tear, lasting from year to year. An easy gliding nylon zipper allows you easy access to everything inside. Additionally, these bags feature a clear pocket at the side in which a label can be inserted, so you can quickly identify the contents of each bag without ever needing to open them up and unpack them. To suit your particular needs they are available in three distinct sizes: A long large size (18 inches X 42 inches X 5 inches) to store items conveniently under the bed; a medium size (25 inches X 21 inches X 11 inches) that is perfect for storing blankets, linens, towels and other bulky items; and a smaller size (12 inches X 14 inches X 3 inches) designed to protect sweaters. Whichever size you need, these bags will securely safeguard your items for short or long term storage while allowing you to remain well organized.

2024-05-14 23:06:34

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