해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
64GB (4x16GB) DDR4-2666MHz PC4-21300 ECC RDIMM 2Rx4 1.2V Registered Server Memory by NEMIX RAM

상품번호 B07X44CPMF
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상품가격 $128.99
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NEMIX RAM ECC RDIMM (Registered DIMM) for Servers requiring DDR4 RDIMM. NOT FOR PC Computers!Upgrade Consists of 4 pcs of 16GB Memory Module Module DDR4 288-pin RDIMM. Rank is 2Rx4.DDR4 2666Mhz Technology ( PC4-21300 ) operating at standard 1.2V - 100% JEDEC CompliantRegistered DIMM server RAM upgrade ( ECC RDIMM ) manufactured using multi-layer density PCB with gold lead and major chipset by Micron, Samsung, or Hynix.NEMIX RAM DDR4 Server Memory Upgrades allows you to get more out of your Tower Server / Rack Server / Blade Server / Array. NEMIX RAM server memory exceeds the competition. Our DDR4 memory is up to twice as fast as DDR3 technology, delivering twice the bandwidth and energy efficiency. This is not a PC upgrade - only for server installation. built with the highest quality and backed by Lifetime Replacement Warranty. NEMIX RAM has been Supplying the world with Server RAM upgrades since 1993.

2024-05-17 01:17:52

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