해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TACVASEN Men's Breathable Quick Dry UV Protection Solid Convertible Long Sleeve Shirt

상품번호 B07X53WCXL
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상품가격 $34.98
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100% NylonConvertible zipper sleeve shirt.Material: Nylon, quick dry fabricAbrasion resistance, scratch, breathable, uv protection, resist stains and dries quicklyButton down chest pockets, long sleeves with zipper can be zipped off convertible short sleeve shirtThe back with mesh design, enhanced ventilation for warm climates, dress shirt style placketGood idea for Hiking, Climbing, Camping, Hunting, Fishing, mountaineering, Shooting, Cycling, Adventure Travel, Army Training, SWAT
TACVASEN Tactical Long Sleeve Shirt was made of tough,nylon Ripstop,which is comfortable, and professional whether on or off duty. The lightweight, breathable ripstop fabric is fade, shrink and wrinkle resistant. The wallet and mobile phones can be put on the zippered chest pockets. Pair with our TACVASEN tactical pant to create a uniform. Occasion: outdoor activities / casual Color: Army green, Khaki, Gray, Black, Blue Size: US S-2XL ATTENTION 1. Please check the size chart before buying. Size option is US Size 2. Due to individual computer monitor settings, actual colors may vary slightly from those you see on your screen.

2024-10-01 16:37:24

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