해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
POP SANITARYWARE Shower Faucet Set with Waterfall Tub Spout Brushed Nickel Bathroom Rainfall 10 Inch Shower Head System with Handheld 3 Function Tub and Shower Trim Kit with Rough-in Valve

상품번호 B07XCB8QQC
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상품가격 $235.90
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HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL: shower valve body, Stainless Steel shower head, Handheld, shower arm and tub spout all made of metal.Brushed Nickel give an elegant look to any bathroom decor!LARGE SIZE: 10" square shower head offering a good coverage to soak your entire body, and swivel ball allows you to adjust the angle of the shower-head to meet your expectation as if you are in a luxury hotel or spa.AIR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY: Offer consistent powerful rain shower even under low water pressure. New house bathroom renovation can be used as gift to send friends and family.cUPC CERTIFIED: ASME A112.18.1-2018/CSA B125.1-18 with 1/2" NPT thread on both shower arm and valve body.LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY: Any product quality problem can be guaranteed within 5 years. The shower cartridge is permanently replaced free of charge.IMPORTANT WARNING: Not compatible with other brand‘s shower faucet valve and cartridge. The old shower valve must be removed if install this kit.

2024-04-04 18:19:20

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