해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Silhouette Cameo 4 with Bluetooth, 12x12 Cutting mat, AutoBlade 2, 100 Designs and Silhouette Studio Software - Black Edition

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상품가격 $179.00
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* BONUS MATERIAL ONLY ON AMAZON: copy of the Silhouette Handbook and 10 exclusive designs. The Cameo 4 stands apart from previous models with the new dual motor system, which allows you to cut in two distinct ways. Carriage one provides the Cameo 4 with unparalleled speed and operated from a solenoid motor that provides smooth and intricate cuts. Sketch up to 3x faster than previous models. Carriage two is operated by an entirely different style of motor that allows for unprecedented power.* The Silhouette Cameo 4 is the evolution in desktop cutting. Conveniently stored in the machine\'s compact pull-out drawer is a new built in roll feeder for quickly cutting vinyl and heat transfer material directly from a roll. On the back of the Cameo 4 You will find a built in cross cutter allowing for a clean straight edge cut on your vinyl roll for your next project.* The Cameo unique dual carriage allows for tool Type detection. The machine\'s ultra-smart system uses tool sensor technology that detects what tool you are using which then triggers the silhouette Studio software to adjust cut settings automatically.* The Cameo 4 carriage 2 boasts additional cutting force! With the increased downforce of the Cameo 4, we now offer a new rotary and Kraft blade (Sold separately) that have been specifically designed to operate with the Cameo smart tangential technology. With smart tangential technology the Cameo 4 cuts thicker material without sacrificing quality with each cut. The Cameo 4 offers true mat-less cutting which allows cutting cardstock, paper, and other materials without using a mat.* The autoblade has been reconfigured especially for the Cameo 4. This second generation autoblade will have a single-tap reset which will reduce the time needed for the Cameo 4 to automatically adjust the blade setting for your project.
The Cameo 4 is a 12-inch width desktop cutting machine that lets you make precision cuts in vinyl, cardstock, fabric, and more. Machine features include: True 12-inch cutting width (when using cutting mat). Matless cutting capabilities. Cut up to 10 feet length materials (when using select materials). Dual motor system. Tool detection sensors. Most powerful force in machine class (5,000 grams force). Fastest cutting speed in machine class (up to 30 cm/second). Smart tangential mode for cutting fabric without a stabilizer (requires Rotary Blade). 3 mm clearance for thicker materials. Feather touch responsive panel. Built-in roll feeder allows you to easily load and cut rolled materials like vinyl and heat transfer. Built-in crosscutter lets you trim vinyl or heat transfer right from the roll. Sliding lid and backlit touch panel give your machine a sleek, compact esthetic. Bluetooth connectivity allows wireless cutting. Print & Cut registration capability. PixScan compatible. Driven by free Silhouette Studio software to give you limitless design options to customize your project. Mac/Windows compatible. Additional Tools Available (sold separately): Rotary Blade, Kraft Blade, Punch Tool, Pen Holder

2024-06-06 17:04:25

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