해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CYMBIOTIKA Liposomal Vitamin B12 Liquid Supplement, 1250 mcg, Supports Energy, Cell Production, Helps Strengthen Hair, Skin & Nails, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Keto & Vegan Friendly, 2 oz

상품번호 B07XKWH1CK
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상품가격 $47.99
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VITAMIN B12 AND B6 BLEND: Cymbiotika’s B12 + B6 is an organic blend of methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, the three most bioactive forms of vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. This B vitamin complex blend can lead to overall better energy, mood, and heart health. And to further enhance absorption, our entire formula utilizes our advanced liposomal technology which improves bioavailability and absorption of these vitamins.HEALTHY SKIN, NAILS & ENERGY SUPPORT: B-12 provides the cells with natural energy, unlike caffeine. Cellular energy is natural energy required for an overall sense of wellbeing and better focus. B12 plays a vital role in cell production and supports healthy hair, skin, and nailsIMPROVES MOOD: Vitamin B6 enhances mood and mental health, while l-methylfolate included in our formula supports healthy red blood cell formation and the production of neurotransmitters which can help with mental health issues.HOW TO ENJOY: 12 pumps daily. Pump desired dose onto a spoon or directly on the tongue and consume. May be taken with food or on an empty stomach every day, preferably on the rise or before 2 PM.NATURAL SUPPLEMENT: CYMBIOTIKA strives to create ingredients you can trust. We combine scientific innovation with traditional Eastern medicine to design formulas that synergize with the body. Our vitamin b12 supplement utilizes the most advanced absorption technology and is gluten free, soy free, keto, vegan, and made with ZERO chemicals, animal products, alcohols, additives, and preservatives.

2024-09-04 19:58:06

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