해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EASTROCK Bb Trumpet Standard Trumpet Set with Carrying Case,Gloves, 7C Mouthpiece, Cleaning Kit, Tuning Rod, Gray (Hand Carved Craft)

상품번호 B07XYLZ5XK
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상품가격 $141.99
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Bb (B flat) Trumpet - EASTROCK Hand Engraved Trumpet,Solid and durable body, excellent spraying process,its sound is excellent and bright, penetrating, abundant and powerful, excellent vibration.Design And Process--11.65mm/0.460inch pipe & 125mm/4.92inch bell mouth, The valve is durable, Spring rebounds quickly Good air tightness,There is resistance when pulling out the adjusting tubes, and the water key has good air tightness,Environmental protection and no harm to health.Beautiful Shape--Valves will accurately link each piping ,Smooth action valves and comfortable buttons,Highly durable piston valve lengthening the life of the instrument while maximizing sound quality.Includes - Trumpet,a pair of white gloves, Soft polishing cloth,Silver plated 7C mouthpiece,Tuning rod,Hard case with backpack straps and zipper pocket. Pay Attention to Cleaning and MaintenanceTrumpet is suitable for students,beginners, professional players,gifts

2024-11-01 04:41:48

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