해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
day wolf Heated Gloves for Men & Women, Heating Motorcycle Gloves with 7.4V 2200MAH Rechargeable Battery Waterproof Windproof Electric Gloves for Winter Skiing Snowboarding Snowmobile Motorcycling

상품번호 B07Y15MV7L
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상품가격 $158.99
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Heated Gloves: Polyester, Sheep Leather, Rubber Padding , Carbon Fiber Knuckle Protection ShellImportedHigh Quality Hand Warmers: This winter gloves are made of sheep leather and waterproof nylon fabric, the gloves are filled with a layer cotton to better protect your hands. Velvet lining can better absorb the sweat on the hands, so that the hands can stay dry and comfortable all the time.Far Infrared Heating Technology: The heating elements of the rechargeable heated gloves covers the entire back of the hand and five fingers. It starts heating within 30 seconds after pressing the switch button. Perfect for motorcycle riders, no longer fear the cold wind in winter.Adjustable Temperature : Battery operated gloves are equipped with a pair of 7.4V 2200mAh batteries, it can be used for up to 6 hours on a full charge. 3 heating settings (Low / Medium / High), you can adjust the temperature as your need by short press the switch button.Windproof & Touch-screen: The warm gloves are designed with a windproof buckle at the wrist, can effectively block the entry of cold wind. Thumb and index finger tips are sewn with a piece of sensor fabric, which can sensitively sense the smart devices such as phones and tablets.The Best Gear for Winter: This heating gloves are not only suitable for riding, motorcycling, but also for skiing, climbing, skating, snowboarding, hunting etc. They are also the best gift choice for birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day.

2024-04-04 17:27:28

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