해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
26 Gauge Wire, 3-Conductor Electrical Wire. 26 AWG Stranded Flexible PVC Tinned Copper 26/3 Cord Extension Cable is Used for LED Lamp Lighting, Automotive, Speaker, Audio, Power, etc. (33FT - 10M).

상품번호 B07Y343R3P
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Electrical
브랜드 Brand: striveday
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $10.99
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?【HIGHLY RECOMMEND】Striveday electrical wire utilizes high-precision oxygen-free tinned copper, which boasts lower resistance and higher conductivity, thereby extending its service life.?【PRODUCT SPECIFICATION】Striveday wire has a rated voltage of 300V (and can also be used for 5V, 12V, 24V up to 300V). The rated working temperature can reach up to -20°C/-4°F to 80°C/176°F. It has flame retardant properties of VW-1 and FT1, and is UL Listed.?【Strong and Durable】Striveday wire is insulated/jacketed with high-quality PVC, which has excellent chemical and oxidation resistance. These tubes can protect wires and cables from damage caused by wear and tear, abrasion, and moisture.?【EASY TO USE】The electric wire is flexible and soft, allowing it to be bent arbitrarily. It\'s also easy to strip, weld, crimp terminals, connect, cut, and wrap around necessary components. This makes it suitable for low-voltage applications and is widely used in LED lights, electronic toys, control panels, automotive electronics, speakers, household appliances, transformers, solar panels, model cars, model ships, and more.?【A GOOD OPTION】The quality is guaranteed for one year. If you have any questions about this product, please contact us, and our team will provide the best support.

2025-01-07 01:06:39

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