해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ECHOGEAR Universal Large TV Stand - Height Adjustable Base for TVs up to 77" - Wobble-Free Replacement Stand Works w/Any TV Including Vizio, TCL, Samsung & More - Flat Design Compatible w/Soundbars

상품번호 B07YN7VRK8
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상품가격 $31.99
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Ready to upgrade your TV stand to something a little more stable? This universal stand works with TVs up to 77" and can support 100lbs.Place your big TV where you want it. This stand is a great option if you need to fit a big TV on narrow furniture or in the corner. It\'s UL listed and ready to safely hold your screen.Height adjustable up to 8.5" to fit your big TV and a soundbar. We even threw in some rubber pads to prevent vibration & give you better sound.Speaking of pads, the heavy duty TV stand includes grippy rubber pads on the bottom. That\'ll keep your TV in place and your furniture scratch free.You bring the screwdriver, we\'ll cover the rest. We\'ve included all the hardware you\'ll need to attach these bad boys to your TV.ECHGOEAR cares about the planet. We\'ll plant a tree for every TV stand sold. Hit a snag? We\'ve got ECHOGEAR pros available 7 days a week to help out.

2024-11-29 14:55:14

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