해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KitchenAid KQ909 Dual Platform Digital Kitchen and Food Scale, 11 pound capacity and Precision 16oz capacity, Black with Stainless Steel

상품번호 B07YP9KN8P
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상품가격 $33.17
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MAX CAPACITY: platform 1: 11lb x 0. 1oz and 5000g x 1g platform 2: 16oz x 0. 001oz and 500g x 0. 01g.Durable : stainless steel surfaces wipe up quickly and will not stain or retain food odorsUNIQUE FEATURE: Two-line backlit LCD readout calculates weights for both platforms at the same timeTARE: Weigh all ingredients into one container by using the Tare feature to zero out weights in-between additions. Also works to zero the weight of any container before adding foodBATTERY: Powered by three (3) AAA batteries, included. Scale can be powered off of will auto shut-off after a 3 minutes of no change inweight on the platformEASY TO CLEAN: Hand wash only; do not immerse in water or put in dishwasher; for best results, wipe with a damp cloth and dry thoroughlyDurable : stainless steel surfaces wipe up quickly and will not stain or retain food odors
This KitchenAid food scale is a high-performance scale with a double platform design. Two different weighing surfaces weigh larger amounts up to 11 pounds in 0. 1 oz increments like flours, and smaller amounts of 16 ounces in 0. 001 oz. Increments for ingredients like yeast and spices. Ensures perfect accuracy with scratch baking. The two platforms of this ultra-precise scale can work together or independently: a dual reading backlit display shows both weights. Each weighing platform has a Tare feature to zero out weights of containers or reset the display in between ingredients. The stainless steel platforms are easy to clean (just wipe down with a damp cloth). slim design stores easily.

2024-07-10 22:49:56

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