해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Spare Essentials Aluminum Loaf Pans with Lids, (55 Pack), Disposable Bread Tins for Baking, Lunch Containers, Single Serve Baking Dishes - Foil Loaf Pans, Aluminum Bread Pans (7.8 x 4.3 x 2 Inches)

상품번호 B07YRT1S9X
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상품가격 $18.99
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BEST VALUE: Our foil containers with lids for food are crafted from sturdy, durable aluminium that excels in the kitchen. These foil loaf pans with lids are perfect for baking, cooking, serving, and storage. This 55-pack has 55 disposable loaf pans with lids, essential supplies for any foodservice establishment. Whether you\'re transferring meals to storage, or preparing food for take-out, these aluminum bread pans with lids offer convenience and quality. Dimensions: 7.8’’x4.3’’x2’’BAKERY STYLE: Create bakery-quality loaves, cakes, lasagna, and meatloaves at home with our premium aluminum foil trays with lids. These foil baking pans make it easy to bake delicious, hearty, and crusty dishes. Perfect for home bakers and professionals, these aluminum containers with lids are also used by kitchen staff for individual purchase, bulk retail, or catering applications, ensuring your food looks and tastes amazing. Our tin foil pans with lids are perfect for any occasion.QUALITY PANS: Our disposable metal pans with lids are made from thick gauge, heavy-duty aluminum foil, ensuring even heating for excellent baking performance. These tin foil trays help you achieve beautifully browned, delicious loaves every time and keep them for future use with our tin pans disposable with lids. Ideal for home cooks and bakers, these aluminum foil freezer pans with lids are the perfect solution for all your baking needs, offering convenience and quality.EASY CLEANUP & DISPOSABLE: Save time with our aluminum food trays and use them as tin trays for food. Share leftovers without worrying about returning your aluminum tray. Simply dispose of the foil food containers with lids when cleanup is too much to handle. These disposable pans with lids are perfect for quick and easy cleanup, making them an ideal choice for busy kitchens and on-the-go meals. Try our Spare Essentials tin foil containers with lids now!HEALTHY CHOICE: Plan and prepare meals ahead with our aluminum tins with lids, making healthy eating effortless. Keep home-cooked meals on hand that can be quickly heated. Perfect for take-out, delivery businesses, picnics, delis, schools, camps, medical facilities, and more. These disposable aluminum pans with lids are versatile, offering a practical solution for cooking classes, catering, and food storage, ensuring you always have delicious, ready-to-eat meals available.

2024-07-11 12:45:39

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