해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bare Home Hotel Luxury Queen Sheet Set, Extra Soft - 6 Piece Set - Deep Pockets - Easy Fit - Cooling & Breathable - Wrinkle, Fade, Stain Resistant - Set Includes 4 Pillowcases (Queen, Grey)

상품번호 B07Z6QG7J9
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상품가격 $37.99
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ULTRA SOFT SHEET SET: Our highest quality microfiber is hydro-brushed with ultra-fine jets of water. The result is softer and stronger than standard double brushed microfiber yarns, so it will not rip or tear. Complete your bedding look with additonal high quality products by Bare Home.6 PIECE BED SHEET SET INCLUDES: 1 Queen Flat Sheet, 1 Queen Fitted Sheet, and 4 Std. Pillowcases. Flat Sheet (90" x 102"), Fitted Sheet (60" x 80" x 15" pocket), Pillowcases (20” x 30”).EASY FIT 360-DEGREE ELASTIC: Our deep pocket fitted sheets fit mattresses up to 15 inches deep, which is a universal size for most mattresses. All-around elastic provides a firm fit around your mattress to keep everything in place for restless sleepers. Deep pockets will still stay snug on mattresses less than 15 inches.EASY CARE AND WRINKLE RESISTANT: Machine wash cold on gentle cycle, and tumble dry low. Sheet set is fade, stain, & wrinkle resistant.GOING BARE: Our meticulously crafted products are OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 certified, rigorously tested against a list of over 1,000 harmful substances. Making the choice easy to buy safer products for you and your famiy.

2024-10-01 20:13:39

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