해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Car concentration camp 4PCS 56mm Wheel Center Hub Caps Decals Emblem Stickers Fit for Buick with Bonus Tire Valve Stem Caps Cover Set

상품번호 B07Z7CSTNQ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Tires & Wheels
브랜드 Brand: Car concentration camp
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $13.59
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.★【Package Include】 4PCS Wheel Center Hub Caps Sticker + 4PCS Tire Air Valve Caps + 1PC Key Chain For Buick★ 【Material】 Hight quality Material durable, Waterproof, anti-corrosive, Wheel hub covers Material: ABS, Car Tire Valves Caps: Zinc alloy★【Size】100% brand New Car Sticker Wheel Center Hub Caps fit For Buick. Outer Diameter = 56mm (2.2 inch).★【Easy Installation】Perfect Replacement. Beautiful and Functional, Caps are covered with a protective plastic film to prevent scratches. Come with self-adhesive 3M tape for easy and simple installation. No Drilling Required.★【Standard for Buick & Perfect Fit】56mm Genuine for Buick logo wheel center hub caps,can protect the hub from dirt.An easy,cost effective and quick way to upgrade your car appearance.
Color:For Buick measure your Car Wheel Cap and compare measurement Before Buying.  Before Sticking, completely clean off the wax and dust on the sticker surface.  Materials: Aluminium alloy  Color: ( Exactly Show As Picture ) Size: 56 MM 

2020-05-09 21:42:05

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