해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Disposable Wooden Cutlery Set - 300 pcs (150 Forks 100 Spoons 50 Knives) Compostable Utensils Set with Plastic-Free Packaging. Splinter-Free Compostable Cutlery Set for Parties & More

상품번호 B07Z7HFMBM
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상품구분 Health & Household / Household Supplies
브랜드 Brand: EarthClusive
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.99
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PLASTIC-FREE, GUILT-FREE, AND ECO-FRIENDLY: Our Wooden Disposable Utensils and Packaging are 100% Free of Plastic and Fully Compostable & Biodegradable.YOU SAVE FUTURE LIVES: You Plant One Tree Per Box of Our Wooden Silverware, Joining the Fight Against Global Warming That Claims 13 Million Lives Annually.BUILT TOUGH FOR REAL MEALS: Say Goodbye to Flimsy Biodegradable Utensils Snapping in The Middle of Your Meals. Say Hello To The Sturdiest Disposable Cutlery in The Market.ONE AMERICAN FED PER BOX: Your Purchase Means a Bedtime Filled with Dreams, Not Hunger.SPLINTER-FREE, OUCH-FREE: Crafted To Perfection, Our Difference Is In The Ouch-Free Experience In Every Meal.EXTRA SHARPENED FORKS & KNIVES: Apples? Crusty Bread? Steak? No Problem. Our Wooden Knives And Wooden Forks Pierce And Slice Through Everything Effortlessly.NOT ALL WOOD IS EQUAL: Did You Know Majority of Wooden Cutlery Brands Contribute to Deforestation? In Contrast, We Use Premium Ethically Sourced, FSC-certified Wood That\'s Responsibly Replanted.YOU ARE HELPING COMMUNITIES IN NEED: You\'re Not Just Buying Cutlery; You\'re Providing Jobs and Fair Pay to Tree Planters in Areas Hit the Hardest by Climate Change. When Our Forests Heal, the Communities Around Them Do Too.
RECYCLABLE FLATWARE When it comes to setting your table, you should never have to settle for anything less than the best. And the best is exactly what you’ll get when you choose our wooden utensils set. SOPHISTICATED CUTLERY The chic and modern design of our disposable cutlery compostable set allows them to match all party decor and tableware sets. They’re ergonomic to fit comfortably in everyone’s hands and are perfect for use during a family picnic in the park! Display our disposable utensils set individually wrapped as an affordable finishing touch for a rustic farmhouse wedding reception, bridal shower, or birthday party. QUALITY MATERIALS We made sure that our compostable cutlery disposable is a great alternative to professional cutlery. Made from 100% natural birch wood, our disposable knife and fork and spoon are heavy duty. The eco friendly forks feature an improved tine design to effectively hold your next bite and the knives are expertly sharpened to easily slice through most foods. Furthermore, our recyclable spoons can be used in a hot soup unlike plastic alternatives ECO FRIENDLY PURPOSE We understand the need for preserving nature is at an all-time high and we want to do our part. Our eco friendly disposable utensils sets are single-use but they’re also completely recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable so you can use them and toss them without worrying about how long they’ll sit in a landfill. And for every set made, EathClusive donates 1 tree to be planted to ensure Mother Earth and her glorious nature is rightfully thanked and restored. ASSORTED CUTLERY With every set containing 150 eco disposable forks, 100 disposable wooden spoons and 50 disposable forks, you’re fully prepared to host your next big event! Our 300 piece assorted cutlery sets come conveniently packaged and ready to use right out of the box or wrap them together and have individual wrapped utensils that would impress everyone

2024-09-05 02:33:59

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