해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
USB C XQD SD Card Reader, USB C 2 in 1 XQD/SD Dual Slot Memory Card Adapter, 5Gpbs Type C XQD Card Reader Support Sony G/M Series, Lexar 2933x/1400x USB Mark XQD Card, SD Card for Windows/Mac OS

상품번호 B07Z7S588X
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상품가격 $19.99
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USB C XQD SD Card Reader: The XQD/SD card reader adopt to two different card slot - XQD and SD. Max capacity for XQD is 2TB, 128G max for SD. Specially designed for photographers, great choice to transfer files between your device and memory card. FOR XQD and SD simultaneously, support slot-to-slot read/write. Save your time and improve work efficiency.5Gbps High Speed Data Transfer: This xqd card readers with Type-C interface make it possible to read the file by your phone and laptop with USB C. Super speed USB 3.1 technology, maximum transfer speed up to 500MB/s for the XQD card, 104MB/s for the SD card reader.Wide Compatibility: This xqd sd card reader perfect support Sony G/M series USB mark xqd cards, Lexar 2933x Lexar 1400x USB mark xqd cards. Support read XQD card and SD card at the same time. Compatible with Windows/Mac OS systems and smartphone with USB C interface.Note: Do not support XQD N, S, H series.Plug and Play: This xqd memory card nikon No need to install drivers, automatic identification, just plug in and use. Through the LED work indicator of the XQD card reader, you can keep abreast of its working status.Compact & Ultra Design: This xqd card reader portable and compact, suitable for any occasion. Carrying with a 16cm USB C data cable, easy for both laptop and smart phone users. xqd Card Reader USB C Hub built with Voltage and current protection to ensure the safety of your devices

2024-10-01 20:02:18

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