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PCmover Business Technician License | Instant Download | max. 5 uses/month | Initial fee to enroll in pay-per-use license tiers | Additional per-use costs, invoiced monthly | $34.95/license

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상품가격 $49.95
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Per-use cost, in addition to this initial fee: $34.95Issued serial number is valid for up to 5 uses per monthYou will be sent instructions to claim your serial after the time of purchase
Reduce the deployment time for new PCs by hours each time Be sure that all the user’s profiles, settings, and data is transferred without error Minimize support calls to the IT staff Run PCmover from a memory stick or a server share Even enable end-users to do the job Technician License Flexibility Designed for SMB organizations, MSPs, System Integrators, and other IT service professionals who regularly deploy PCs but want a flexible buying option. The “pay-per-use” nature of the Technician License gives the flexibility of only being invoiced for what is used – when it’s used. Compared to the standard licensing, this provides users with a lower initial investment. You can purchase 1 of 4 tiers, with an initial setup fee, and unlock the lowest per-license costs available! PCmover Business’s Technician License ultimately provides organizations with a simple, scalable solution for multiple data migrations and minimal financial investment. Technician License FAQs Why is there an up-front, initial fee, in additional to per-use costs invoiced monthly? The initial fee locks in your lower per-license costs of your tier, based on your monthly usages. This gets you the lowest per-license costs available for PCmover Business. How often do I have to pay the initial fee? The initial fee is a one-time payment to lock-in your tier. How long do I have to use the licenses in my tier? Each month, at the beginning of the month, the count starts over. What happens if I don’t use all my licenses during the month? This is a common misunderstanding. It’s not a “use it or lose it” structure. Rather, you can use up to the number of allowed licenses in your tier each month. You’ll only be invoiced for the ones you use. EXAMPLE: Let’s say you purchase a 10-Use Technician License on the 27th day of a month, and only use 4 before the month ends. You only pay for those 4, and your count goes back up to 10 starting the following month. Note: License count resets at 11:59pm PST on the last day of each month. How will I be invoiced, and how frequently? When you purchase your tier here, you’ll immediately be charged. From there, Laplink will invoice at the end of each subsequent month, for the number of uses within the prior month. You’ll be invoiced at the per-license rate of your tier. Where or to whom will my invoices be sent? Invoices will be sent to the name & contact information provided at the time of claiming your serial number, after the purchase of the initial fee. What if I want to change my tier? At any time after purchasing a Technician License, you can reach out to Laplink to upgrade or downgrade. Referencing your company & serial number, we can make an adjustment. The Easiest Way to Move to a New PC PCmover Business is a quick and easy way to transfer the complete PC personality from one Windows PC to a different one, saving you hours or days of time in setup. PCmover\'s advanced features let you define which applications, documents, users, and settings to move to your new PC. If your computer has multiple users, PCmover Business gives you the option to transfer some or all of the users. The security information about file ownership and access control is preserved for each user, too. Windows Easy Transfer does not support Windows 10, making PCmover Business an even more critical application for saving businesses time and money. Multiple Migration Paths and Options PCmover Business can migrate your PC across a network, a Laplink Ethernet cable, or a Laplink USB cable. Unlike any other migration software, PCmover supports a direct migration from an image or an old hard drive. Small & Medium Business Migration Solution PCmover Business is the only software recommended by Microsoft for all your migration needs. Businesses in need of a better solution to automatically deploy new PCs, upgrade existing PCs, or replace them via routine maintenance and break/fix scenarios, should use PCmover Business. PCmover Business provides SMB organizations advanced migration options to greatly reduce the time to deploy PCs, and dramatically lower the cost of PC refresh projects. The ability to automatically transfer everything desired from one PC to another not only saves hours of IT labor, but also increases end-user satisfaction. The results of using PCmover (over other options) are less post-migration helpdesk calls, and increased efficiency and productivity – ultimately leading to an improved bottom line. Reduce deployment time and lower the cost of PC migration projects Reduces deployment time for PC migrations by up to 4 hours per PC. Dramatically lowers the cost of PC refresh projects Automatically reinstalls applications and programs, without having to manually configure each one. Ensures all user profiles, settings, and data are transferred without error. Saves hours of IT-labor and reduces post-migration support tickets. Advanced deployment features: run PCmover from a memory stick, attached drive, or a server share. What You Should Know PCmover is not designed for migrations from newer operating systems to older operating systems. Applications may require re-entry of a license code or re-activating on the new PC. Certain system settings and applications may not be transferred due to their incompatibility with the operating system on the new PC. Laplink Software, Inc. For over 36 years, Laplink Software has been a global leader in PC connectivity. Our commitment to the needs of our customers has been the driving force behind all of our product development, and has earned Laplink the loyalty and trust of millions of customers worldwide who migrate, transfer, synchronize, share, and remotely access their data. Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP

2024-11-27 18:58:36

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