해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hestra Army Leather Heli Ski Junior Mitt (Youth 4-13yrs) | Waterproof, Insulated Classic 3-Finger Leather Kids Gloves for Winter, Skiing & Playing in The Snow

상품번호 B07ZLM8FD3
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상품가격 $79.52
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LeatherDESIGNED FOR: The Army Leather Heli Ski Junior Glove was developed for children and youth. Even small hands need exceptional gloves.DURABLE FABRIC: Windproof, waterproof, and breathable HESTRA Triton fabric on backhand with our most durable Army Goat Leather on palm and fingers.RETAIN WARMTH: Holding heat even in wet conditions, this glove is made from a very thin polyester fiber with exceptionally high insulating capacity. Its soft and cozy lining can be combined with other liners for greater adaptability in varying conditions.THE PERFECT BALANCE: You won’t have to sacrifice warmth for dexterity. This glove’s 3-finger design provides you with the dexterity of a glove, but also heat by bringing the three fingers together.CONVENIENT FEATURES: This glove features an elastic strap with Velcro closure for easy accessibility, a snow lock to keep the cold out and heat in, and an Eagle Grip design that follows your hand’s natural curve to give a more comfortable grip.

2024-04-04 18:26:53

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