해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
COMFIER Wireless Hand Massager with Heat,3 Levels Compression & Heating,Rechargeable Hand Massager Machine for Carpal Tunnel,Ideal Gifts for Women

상품번호 B07ZPV5HDF
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상품가격 $69.99
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Ultimate hand relaxation - Comfier Electric Hand massagers are specially designed to adopt compression to pamper every part of your hand and work on the fingers and knuckles to ensure total relaxation. The massager helps soothe any knots and effectively relieve carpal tunnel and ease finger stress.Pressure Massage - Comfier Hand Palm Massager is built in pressure on all the sides of your hands and applies 3 pressure Modes & 3 levels of intensity. The massager designed modes help to rhythmically pressurize the whole hand starting from the wrist to the palms and fingers.Soothing Heat Therapy - Comfier Hand Warmer Massager with the heat compression helps keep your hands warm and moist prevent dryness. It provides gentle heat therapy helps promote blood circulation and ease soreness muscles,numbness and cold fingers and palm. You can personalize your massage by setting 3 pressure programs with 3 heat levels.Wireless & Portable - Comfier cordless massager soothes the hands and fingers from the top to the bottom for that relaxing feeling. It’s built in Lithium Ion battery never needs to be replaced and is rechargeable using a provided USB cord. This hand massager machine is lightweight & portable. Convenient to use at home,in the office or on the go.Ideal gift choice - Get your hands massaged and feeling refreshed using the hand massage tool, Ideal valentines day gifts christmas gifts for Mom,girl,woman for circulation. For any reason, if this hand warmer does not meet your expectations, return it for full refund within 30 days.

2024-02-13 09:40:57

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