해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rukket Dodgeball Set, Glow in The Dark Inflatable Playground Dodge Ball Gator Skin Game for All Ages, Bouncy Kick, Foursquare, with Bag & Air Pump

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상품가격 $59.99
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Play through the day into the night: Get ready for hours of fun with our Glow in the dark dodgeball set. Perfect for kids and adults! Gator Skin balls are awesome for kickball, foursquare, and handball too. Dodgeball Set includes (6) Glow in the dark dodgeballs, (1) Air Pump, (100) Glow Sticks, and (1) Carry Bag. Base Runner Set includes (4) Glow in the dark dodgeballs, (4) bases, (1) Air Pump, (100) Glow Sticks, and (1) Carry Bag.Light up the night: You’ve never played dodgeball like this! Play in your backyard or neighborhood in the dark and have complete vision of the balls when they are flying around. Mark your teams with the included glow sticks. It will bring a new layer of excitement and fun to a classic game.Take it anywhere: Included carry bag allows you to bring the fun anywhere you can imagine. You’ll have a reliable bag to keep your dodgeball set safe when not using it.Use your imagination: This dodgeball set can be used for any playground sport. Kickball, Foursquare, Handball, or even make up your own game! With the glow in the dark balls you’ll have all the time in the world to play any sport you want!Rukket Fair Play Guarantee & Lifetime Warranty: At Rukket Sports we know you came to win. We also understand that in order to win you need to train hard, so that’s why we’re proud to offer the Rukket Fair Play Guarantee & Lifetime Warranty plus outstanding USA-based customer service!
Nobody likes to have their fun cut short by the sun going down. With Rukket’s glow in the dark dodgeball set, you’ll be able to play through the day and into the night. Take your dodgeball set around the neighborhood, into school, and to the local park with the included carry bag. Comes with a pump too so you’re ready to play as soon as you get it. You’ll be in for hours of fun with this new offering from the experts at Rukket.

2024-05-16 18:03:26

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