해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Degbit Silicone Stretch Lids, [12 Pack] Reusable Lids Fit Various Sizes & Shapes of Containers, Durable & Expandable Food Covers to Keep Food Fresh, Silicone Bowl Covers, Dishwasher & Freezer Safe

상품번호 B07ZV769VX
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상품가격 9.98
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[ Super Leak-proof & Fit over Any Shaped Container ] - They come in 6 elastic sizes, 2.6", 3.8", 4.4", 5.5",6.2" & 8.0". You will never need to waste time searching for lids again! Our stretchy silicone lids are compatible with mason Jars, cat or dog food cans, cups, pot and direct use on half a watermelon. Airtight sealing will lock the freshness of food and leak-proof design prevents any liquid from spilling out. Our seal silicone lids to fit square and rectangular pots as well as round ones.[ Your Safety is Our Top Priority & Odorless ] - Our silicone bowl lids is 100% Phthalate, Lead Free, Plastic Free and BPA free. Simply cover your food and heat in microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe. It is safe for adult and baby food storage and no chemical smell. It is safe to directly cover them over cups, bowls, fresh cut fruit and vegetables. They won\'t cause any bad odor for food storage. Degbit is always keeping your food fresh and family health.[ Dishwasher, Freezer and Microwave Safe & Clear Compatible ] - Whether it is washing in the dishwasher or in a refrigerator or microwave, it\'s the same as you saw it for the first time. You can choose the color of bowl covers you want to use according to your mood, clear or blue. Our silicone bowl cover see-through sealing lids offer you a window to the fresh food that is in your refrigerator. ( Note: edges of the container needs to be dry before use to ensure the perfect seal. )[ Save Your Money & Eco Friendly ] - Food cover lids helps you no longer need conventional cling wrap and the zipper storage bags! They will serve as replacement for the broken or lost lids and significantly reducing plastic waste, they are a thousand times more eco friendly than cling wraps, baggies, or your traditional containers. Easy to use, there is no better way to seal your fresh food better than the Degbit silicone lids![ Longevity & One-on-One Service ] - Degbit stretchy food covers are durable and will not tear or warp. We will resopnsible for every customers and we are very confident in our silicone food cover. Your satisfaction is our first-line goal, we will meet you 100% SATISFACTION. Please contact us if any issue or inquiry with our products, we will get back to you within 24 hours. Just add to your cart now!

2024-02-13 10:58:33

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