해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Team Wendy M-216 Backcountry

상품번호 B07ZZMKZS5
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상품가격 $260.33
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Hybrid shell design: Hard front shell provides reinforcement for mounted accessories; in-mold rear shell reduces weight. Shroud for mounting cameras and headlamps and accessory rails for additional installation of lights and cameras.BOA Fit System with magnetic buckle on under-the-chin sport-style retention allows for precise fit adjustment and easy one-handed operation even while wearing gloves.Removable ear cups specifically designed to be comfortable while using in-ear communication systems with a pocket for drop-in audio device compatibility.14 total vents: Eight crown (adjustable), two front (passive open) and four rear (fixed open) for maximum cooling during high exertion rescues. Above-goggle vent channels draw air through the helmet to the rear exhaust ports to reduce goggle fogging, and integrated goggle strap retention holds goggles in place.Comes standard with a Princeton Tec task light that installs directly into the front section of the accessory rail.SIZING DETAILS: Available in three sizes: S/M (Small/Medium), L (Large) and XL (Extra Large). Small/Medium head circumference: 52 to 57 cm, 20 ½ to 22 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA) 6 ½ to 7 ⅛. Large head circumference: 57 to 62 cm, 22 ½ to 24 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA) 7 ⅛ to 7 ¾. Extra Large head circumference: 62 to 65 cm, 24 ½ to 25 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA). Measure head circumference as shown on head form image.RECOMMENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY. The Team Wendy Ski Helmet is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18.
The Team Wendy M-216 Backcountry helmet is a scalable ski helmet with a hybrid shell design. The hard front shell provides reinforcement for mounted accessories, the in-mold rear shell reduces weight. It features a shroud for mounting cameras and headlamps as well as accessory rails for additional installation of lights and cameras. The BOA Fit System and the magnetic buckle on the under-the-chin sport-style retention allow for precise fit adjustment and easy one-handed operation even while wearing gloves. The removable ear cups are specifically designed to be comfortable while using in-ear communication systems with a pocket for drop-in audio device compatibility. There are 14 total vents: Eight crown (adjustable), two front (passive open) and four rear (fixed open) for maximum cooling during high exertion rescues. The adjustable crown vents offer three positions (open, half open and closed) to accommodate both warm and cold conditions. The M-216 also includes above-goggle vent channels that draw air through the helmet to the rear exhaust ports to reduce goggle fogging and integrated goggle strap retention to hold goggles in place. The M-216 Backcountry ski helmet comes standard with a Princeton Tec task light that installs directly into the front section of the accessory rail. IMPACT PERFORMANCE: Meets impact attenuation requirements for: ASTM F2040-18 (Recreational Snow Sports) BS EN 1077:2007 Class B (Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding). AVAILABLE COLORS: Black/Gray, MultiCam Alpine/Gray (+$12.30), MultiCam Black/Gray (+$12.30), Red/Gray and White/Gray. SIZING DETAILS: Available in three sizes: S/M (Small/Medium), L (Large) and XL (Extra Large). Small/Medium head circumference: 52 to 57 cm, 20 ½ to 22 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA) 6 ½ to 7 ⅛. Large head circumference: 57 to 62 cm, 22 ½ to 24 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA) 7 ⅛ to 7 ¾. Extra Large head circumference: 62 to 65 cm, 24 ½ to 25 ½ in. Fits hat size (USA). Measure head circumference as shown on head form image.

2024-06-08 03:13:44

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