해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
USB Rechargeable Flashlight, Relybo 2000 Lumens LED Tactical Powerful Flashlight Super Bright High Lumens Flashlights 18650 Battery Flashlight Torch Tactial Military LED Zoomable Torch light

상품번호 B0816XV8MX
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Safety & Security
브랜드 Brand: Relybo
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $19.98
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.SUPER BRIGHT FLASHLIGHT - The Relybo flashlight with genuine original L2 LED chip, provides exrta 20% output than T6 LED, can illuminate the dark road ahead of you and the entire yard. Easily sweeps bright light over the length of about two football fields (660 ft/200 m) or focus in on objects up to 1000 feet away.USB RECHARGEABLE FLASHLIGHT - Push/pull the head of the rechargeable flashlight, you will find a 3.5mm charging port, connect the USB cable with computer or power bank even a socket or plug with a USB interface to charge the battery. Even more exciting is that you can also use the DC car charger(included) in car or AC wall charger(included) in home to charge it.HIGH-STRENGTH AND LIGHTWEIGHT FLASHLIGHT - The flashlight ightweight and high-strength aerospace aluminum body finished with hard anodizing, provide superior toughness, it is very durable. Lightweight ( just 5.3ounces, 152g ) and tough like nails, pass the 20-ft drop test, even if a big truck wheel passes over its body, it remains unscathed.ZOOMABLE FLASHLIGHT - Adjustable focus in on objects hundreds of feet away or sweep a large area. Press the switch button to change modesLONG-LASTING AND POWERFUL FLASHLIGHT -Support standard 18650 battery or AAA battery( AAA battery is not included). The Relybo original genuine 18650 rechargeable battery(Included) last 6 hours (Medium-beam mode) of powerful, non-diminishing brightness.with anti reverse connection protection; short-circuit, overload-charging protection. The battery can be recycled charge 500 times, environmentally friendly and durable.

2020-03-13 06:04:48

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