해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Himawari School Waterproof Backpack 14.9" College Vintage Travel Bag for Women,14 inch Laptop for Student (187-01#)

상품번호 B0817VLJK5
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상품가격 $37.99
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.Laptop backpack material: high quality waterproof scratch-resistant nylon (but not completely waterproof) & leather decoration & smooth metal zipper.Main compartment with double-zipper closure: The laptop lining can put an iPad or a 14" Laptop; several small pockets can put cell phone, pens and other small stuff; put the water bottle and umbrella in the 2 small inner side pockets or 2 outer side pockets at your wishes; 1 front zipper pocket with can put an iPad Mini; generous enough to accommodate the magazine, 14" Computer, tablet, glasses, wallet, keys, earphone, power bank, cell phone, document and clothesCollege Backpack Size: 15"x 11"x 6" (L H W); 16. 5 Liters. Weight: 0. 686 KG. Laptop compartment fits laptops up to 13 inches (measuring by screen length) and depth of 1" or less. Can used as school backpack, hiking daypack, travel bag, work bag, etchimawari backpack ergonomic design: made of nylon fabric, it's durable, breathable. Soft shoulder straps provided a good shoulder protection. Use it as a handbag by the top handle when you don't want to carry it on the back. The padded and adjustable shoulder straps and back for extra comfort. The extended straps can be buckled so that the straps will not loosen. Dual padded, reinforced, adjustable shoulder straps provide optimum comfort and fit snuggly around your shoulders allowing.NO-RISK WHEN ORDER: Return(within 30 days), Exchange(The first 60 days). Any problems with your bag, please contact us. We will solve it. The actual color of the backpack maybe have little different from the picture due to the different screen of display or reflecting light when shooting.
Color:187-01# DESIGNED FOR YOUR COMFORT AND PROTECTION - Adjustable padded shoulder straps to fit all body types.- Reinforced bottom for added durability.- Water resistant material to protect your valuables. No need for a rain cover. -Double stitched straps, heavy duty metal buckles and strong zipper.Specifications: Material: High quality waterproof Nylon + Leather Decoration. Zipper: Smooth Metal Zipper. Package Includes: 1x Water-resistant Nylon Backpack Feature: 100% Brand New Fashion stylePerfect lightweight canvas backpack for working, traveling, school and daily using. Best Wide Open Backpack for traveling, dating, shopping, go to school, office, outdoor activities or casual Life. It will be a perfect school bag for Men, Women, Teens, Boys and Girls, elementary school, middle school, high school and college student. This Laptop Backpack bookbag is made of high standard lightweight waterproof Nylon & Polyester with premium  leather trim and high-quality metals; more than that, this backpack is also crafted with exquisite linen sealing and delicate details.used as school bag by students, for travel, for shopping and other daily use to achieve different functions. NO-RISK WHEN ORDER:Return(within 30 days), Exchange(The first 60 days). Any problems with your bag, please contact us. We will solve it. The actual color of the backpack maybe have little different from the picture due to the different screen of display or reflecting light when shooting.

2020-03-12 08:59:38

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