해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DOWAN 8 oz Ramekins for Creme Brulee Porcelain Ramekins Oven Safe, Classic Style Ramekins for Baking Souffle Ramekins Bowls, Set of 6, White

상품번호 B081N57T3D
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상품가격 $19.99
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Versatile Ramekins Bowls: These ramekins 8 oz oven safe are perfect for presenting individual portions, including souffle, creme brulee, lava cakes, french onion soup, snacks, quiche, or ice cream. Also, it can serve condiments and sauces or holding spices and recipe ingredients while you cook.Sturdy and Durable: Made of high-fired porcelain and smooth glaze, these souffle ramekins won’t absorb flavors and colors. Lead-free make them sturdy for long-lasting daily use. It can be used in the microwave or oven up to 500°F, and safe for the dishwasher and freezer.Easy to Clean and Store: Interior and exterior glaze protect ramekins against stains, making it easy to clean. These baking ramekins have a uniform profile and a rigorous stacked test, allowing it to be stacked with minimal use of space. Not wobble when stacked, limiting breakage and glaze abrasion.Elegant Design: Classic style, bright and smooth glaze, elegant and pretty color make these creme brulee ramekins never get out of style, giving a timeless look to your tabletop presentation also add your guests\' dining experience.Sweet Gift Choice: Our packaging is used with the best EPE foams to ensure safety in transit. This ramekins set is the right gift choice whether for housewarmings, weddings, or birthdays. Great gifts choice.

2024-10-01 20:39:56

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