해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
775 DC Motor Set 12V-24V 6000-12000RPM Ball Bearing Motor for Electrical Tools +Motor Bracket +Drill Chuck+Bushing+4mm Drill

상품번호 B081SCDFR6
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Electrical
브랜드 Brand: abovehill
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $21.99
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[775 Motor] DC motor Large torque, low noise, long service life, self-contained cooling fan, is a good choice for power tools and equipment.[775 Motor] DC motor double ball bearing design, the motor runs more smoothly.The power supply voltage is DC 12V-24V. The starting current should be 10A or more. It is recommended to use a power supply such as a switching power supply or a battery.[775 Motor] Motor is a high speed motor, please securely connect the tool accessories. Prevent accidents. The terminal near the red silicone point at the bottom of the motor is the positive terminal of the power supply. The other terminal is the negative pole of the power supply.Please connect the polarity correctly, otherwise it will damage the motor.[775 Motor] Package list: 1pcs 775 motor, 1pcs motor bracket, 1pcs bushing, 1pcs drill chuck, 1pcs 4mm drill bit,6 screws[775 Motor] If you get damaged after getting the product, you can return it to Amazon at any time. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me. We have the best service team to solve all customer problems
specification: Model: 775 DC Motor DC Motor Shaft diameter: 5 mm DC Motor Shaft length: 17 mm dc motor Body length: 67 mm Front pedal diameter: 17.4 mm Front height: 4.7 mm DC Motor diameter: 42 mm Total 775 motor length: 98 mm Diagonal mounting spacing: 27.5 mm Mounting hole size: M4 Mounting hole: 2 Cooling fan: yes Rated voltage: 12 V-24V motor Rated current: 12A motor Rated speed: 6000-12000 RPM feature: 1. Double ball bearing 2. High power and large torque 3. Fast speed, low noise, strong magnetism 4. Fan cooling Package Included: 1 x 775 motor 1 x motor bracket 1 x drill chuck 1 x sleeve 1 x 4mm drill bit 2 x wrench 6 x Screw

2020-03-13 11:33:44

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