해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FeiyuTech G6 Max 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal Stabilizer (G6 Plus Upgrade Ver) for Mirrorless Camera Like Sony a7 w/Short Lens,Action Camera Gopro,Smart Phone iPhone 11 Pro Max 8,1.2Kg Payload,Splash Proof

상품번호 B081T12MXW
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상품가격 $199.00
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【All in One Gimbal】With the new strong magnetic and high torque brushless motor, FeiyuTech G6 Max is able to compatible with Mirrorless Cameras below 1.2kg(with short lens), Smart Phones like IOS or Android Phones, Sports Cameras and Pocket Video Vlog Pocket Cameras.【Half Size of A4 Paper & Better Compatibility】The payload of G6 Max is increased up to 1.2Kg/2.65lb, but the size of G6 Max decreased by 20% compared to G6 Plus, the Gimbal size just like half piece of A4 paper. With increased payload and Cable Control ability, G6 Max now compatible for Mirrorless Cameras with short lens, Pocket Cameras, Action Cameras like and Smartphones.【Motor Lock & New Quick Release】All 3 axis are designed with physical motor locks to prevent shaking, the motor locks can be used to fix the 3 axis and keep axis steady when balancing the Gimbal or packing to carry. The new designed Quick Release System can be used to assembled & disassembled camera with gimbal in several seconds. Bring the best detail experience!【Improved "Magic Focus Ring" 2.0】The multi-functional "Magic Focus Ring" of G6 Max is upgraded to 2.0 and its sensitivity is increased by 25% compared G6 Plus. It enables to control Zoom & Focus, three-axis rotation, and ad-justment of parameters such as IS0, WB, and exposure value.【Better OLED Screen Interactive Experience】Feiyu G6 Max equipped with a low-power consumption OLED screen, the screen size increased by 200% compared with G6 Plus, the screen now can display the parameters of gimbal and camera, the working mode, power consumption and Bluetooth connection, etc. It also enables to set the "Inception", "Instant Vertical Photography" and "Motion Time-lapse" with OLED screen, as well as to set gimbal "Strength setting", "Camera Parameters"and other parameters.

2024-07-11 00:24:58

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