해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bare Home Washed Full Sheet Set - Premium 1800 Ultra-Soft Microfiber Bed Sheets - Double Brushed - Hypoallergenic - Stain Resistant (Full, Washed Bering Sea)

상품번호 B082DNS284
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상품가격 $31.99
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SET THE STANDARD: You’re not getting out of bed anytime soon with these Sandwashed Full sheets. Cozy year-round, these full sheets were made to impress from first rest. The fully elasticized fitted sheet will snugly fit mattresses up to 15” deep and won’t slip off while you sleep. Our 4 Piece Full Sheet Set Includes: 1 Full Fitted Sheet (54" x 75" x 15" pocket), 1 Full Flat Sheet (81" x 96"), 2 Standard Pillowcases (20" x 30").WASHED FOR SOFTNESS: Our most popular microfiber sheet set is now available washed for a lived-in feel right out of the packaging. These full sheets come pre-washed using our unique process resulting in a ridiculously soft feel and shabby chic wrinkled look.BARE STANDARD: Our carefully crafted products are made from non-toxic premium materials in a factory that is OEKO-TEX certified. We source using these high standards to ensure you are using products free of harmful chemicals making it safe to hold against your bare skin. OEKO-TEX Certification Numbers: 22000723, 21.HCN.46585EASY CARE: Simply toss your full sheets in the washing machine. Wash in cold water with similar colors and tumble dry on low.REST ASSURED: Your first 30 nights are on us. Literally. If you don’t love our full size sheets, send them back.

2024-07-10 14:48:35

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