해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KOKODI LCD Writing Tablet, 10 Inch Colorful Toddler Doodle Board Drawing Tablet, Erasable Reusable Electronic Drawing Pads, Educational and Learning Toy for 3-6 Years Old Boy and Girls

상품번호 B082K7QYFJ
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상품가격 $19.99
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EYE PROTECTION LCD WRITING TABLET: Adopts 2022 LCD pressure-sensitive technology and 10-inch LCD colorful screen. This toddler doodle board toys without radiation, no glare, safe and comfortable even use for a long time.ENVIRONMENTAL: The battery of the writing and drawing tablet has 3-6 months battery life, can be replaced for cycle use, without charging or plugging in power. The drawing pad toys can provide about 100,000 writings, avoid waste of paper and pencilsABSOLUTELY SAFETY TOYS FOR KIDS -- The battery compartment is secured with a screw. Our toddlers are not easy access button battery. Safety for kids. There may be scratches on the screen when opening the package, which is caused by transportation, just press the erase button and the screen will be clearEDUCATIONAL LEARNING TOYS WHILE PLAYING: Offers enough space for graffiti and easy viewing, free child’s imagination, provide better preschool or homeschool learning experience!ROAD TRIP ESSENTIALS KIDS: The case of drawing board for kids is made of durable plastic, add round corner design which has good shock resistance and drops resistance. The colorful etch a sketch weights only 150 grams and has only 1/ 3 inches thickness, suitable for airplane toys, car activities, travel games accessories.MESS FREE COLORING FOR TODDLERS: The doodle baord toys creates colorful lines of different thickness, based on how hard you push with stylus, nails, or any hard thing. Press erase button, emptying the screen content takes only one second. Also can use lock key to save the content. It is recommended to use under light, the line will be brighter.3 4 5 YEAR OLD BOY TOYS: Perfect toys for boys to practice writing and drawing that will keep them entertained. It is dreaming toys that can be handy in the car and useful at home as well. Really useful for growing kids.

2025-01-08 06:39:42

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