해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KATARUS Kitchen Step Stool for Kids and Toddlers with Safety Rail Children Standing Tower for Kitchen Counter, 3 Heights Adjustable Step Up Stool Mother's Helper, Solid Wood Construction, Natural

상품번호 B082L35RVH
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상품구분 Baby Products / Nursery
브랜드 Brand: KATARUS
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $88.99
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[WE OFFER MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE, FOR LESS!] - Solid WOOD construction with durable nontoxic and lead-free coating, THREE ADJUSTABLE HEIGHTS ensure perfect height for children of any age, WE PUT YOUR KIDS\' SAFETY IN FIRST PLACE to build with Safety Rail, "A" Style Steady Seating Structure, Two Back Support Bars, Rounded-over Edges, Countersunk Screws, 2-Step Design! LIMITED ONE YEAR\'S WARRANTY![SOLID WOOD CONSTRUCTION] - KATARUS kids kitchen step stool is made of solid natural wood which does not contain BPA or formaldehyde glue with durable nontoxic and lead-free coating and is absolutely environmental friendly and safe for your children. Solid wood also ensures a sturdy construction and can support up to 150lbs. Meanwhile, the Two Back Support Bars add double steadiness and safety[3 ADJUSTABLE HEIGHTS FOR GROWING KIDS & TODDLERS] - KATARUS toddler step stool is uniquely designed with three built-in platform heights, which allows your kids grow up with his/her stool. The platform level could easily adjust to 12", 16" or 19" to get the perfect height for children of any age[MULTI-FUNCTIONAL & EASY TO ASSEMBLE] - The concept of the toddler kitchen stool is to elevate your kids to counter height, helping them accompany you when you are cooking and act as a little helper. Make your kitchen full of fun! It also could be used in washroom so kids can brush teeth by themselves. The kitchen step stool arrives flat packed with all parts and hardware(in an individual package) needed for assembly. It takes about one or two people about a quarter hour to finish installation[DIMENSIONS & SUITABLE AGE] - The baby kitchen step stool is suitable for baby 18 months to toddlers 5 years old. And the assembled dimension is 16.4"L X 17.6"L X 34.6"H. The step stool is well tested and certified to make sure it is safe to use in your family. Comes with a Limited One Year Warranty and in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with our product we will give you a no questions refund!

2024-10-02 01:38:35

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