해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Aluminium Alloy 90 Degree Positioning Squares 4.7" x 4.7"(12x12cm) Right Angle Clamps Woodworking Carpenter Tool Corner Clamping Square for Picture Frame Box Cabinets Drawers

상품번호 B0837JGZGS
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: MOCOUM
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $15.99
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【High Quality Material】This 90 degree positioning square product by high quality aluminum alloy construction that insures optimal Durability and Lightweight usability. Our woodworking angle tool with anodized red surface perfect resistant to corrosion.【Perfect 90° Corners】This 90 degree clamping square tool convience 90 Degree Right Angle woodwork and save your time.Our corner clamp jig is essential in ensuring balanced project outcomes.【90 degree angle ruler】This 3d woodworking ruler with clear scale in inches and millimeters for measuring length to positioning more accurate.【Wide Application】This Carpentry right angle jig set professional use to assemble and DIY by claping boxes, drawers, cabinets, frames, furniture cabinets, etc. Some woodworkers even find it useful to incorporate them into their jigs and fixtures.Not only you can do glue-up jobs,but also can handle with complicated wine rack jobs and assist with squirting during glue up.【Easy to Use】This unique woodworking tools can be clamped on both inside and outside corner of your work piece.The 90 degree right angle clamp is secured to your stock using either an F-Clamp (NOT INCLUDED) or a C-Clamp (NOT INCLUDED).
Are you trouble with spend a lot of time but still can not do a perfect right angle shape? Our right angle positioning square comes to help you solve this problems. It can work with clamping tool to check and position the corner for wood board jointing and gluing.It can be used for woodworking and welding at a right angle. Practical tool to make your woodworking project easier. Why do you choose us? 1.Constructed of high quality aluminum alloy. 2.Ideal for gluing and assembling your boxes, drawers, frames, furniture, cabinets, etc. 3.Our square clamp make your small glue-up jobs much easier. 4.High quality material, strong and durable, thicker and wider, suitable for more workpieces. 5.Square up perfect corners in your woodworking projects. 6.Embossed gradation (in inches and millimeters) on both the inside and outside edges of each square.Handy interior notch further enhances squaring accuracy. Package conclude: 2 pcs right angle clamp jig(SIZE:4.7x4.7in / 12*12cm)

2020-03-11 22:10:39

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