해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 Piece Bed Sheet Set, Full, Slate

상품번호 B083FLJG86
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상품가격 $19.72
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100% Luxury Microfiber YarnsELASTIC CORNERS BUILT IN - What separates our bed sheets from the rest are the special elastic sheet straps built in. These elastic corners keep your fitted sheet secure to the bed and come on all of our sheets.SLEEP IN LUXURY – No more sleepless nights on uncomfortably itchy sheets! Sleep soundly on the softest 1500 Supreme Deluxe Collection sheets. Be warned, though: You may never be an early bird again!SUPERB SHEET SET – Each luxurious set has 1 fitted, 1 flat sheet, and 4 pillowcases (NOTE: Twin & Twin XL sizes include 2 pillowcases). Deep pockets, thick elastic, and BUILT IN SHEET STRAPS make your new soft sheets stay in place!STAY CLEANER, LONGER – Who has time to wash their sheets every few nights? When it’s time for a wash, machine wash cold, and tumble dry low.PERFECT FIT FOR ANY BED – Sleep soundly for years to come! Your deep pocket sheets are fade, shrink, and wrinkle resistant. We’ve got you (and your bed) covered.
Transform your bedroom into a sanctuary of comfort and style with our luxurious 6-piece bed sheet set, meticulously crafted to provide the ultimate sleeping experience. Made from premium quality microfiber fabric, these sheets boast an irresistibly soft texture that will envelop you in pure bliss as you drift off to sleep. Say goodbye to rough, scratchy bedding and hello to the indulgent embrace of our sumptuous sheets, designed to pamper you with every touch. Whether you\'re curling up with a good book or drifting off into dreamland, our bed sheet set promises unparalleled comfort and relaxation, night after night. Experience the difference of a secure and snug fit with our innovative built-in sheet straps, ensuring that your sheets stay in place throughout the night. No more waking up to find your sheets bunched up at the foot of the bed or slipping off the corners. Our sheet straps are designed to provide maximum grip and stability, so you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep without the hassle of constantly readjusting your bedding. With our bed sheet set, you can rest easy knowing that your sheets will stay securely in place, even if you toss and turn during the night. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a peaceful and restorative sleep experience. Add a touch of personality to your bedroom with our wide selection of over 40 captivating colors and prints. Whether you prefer classic neutrals, bold hues, or eye-catching patterns, we have the perfect option to complement any decor style or personal taste. Mix and match different colors and prints to create your own unique bedding ensemble that reflects your individual style and personality. Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your bedroom and make a statement with our stylish and versatile bed sheet set. With so many options to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Each set includes a flat sheet, fitted sheet, and four pillowcases (except for twin and twin XL sizes, which come with two pillowcases), providing everything you need for a complete bedding ensemble. Our bed sheet set takes the guesswork out of styling your bed, offering a convenient and coordinated solution that is both functional and fashionable. Enjoy the convenience of a fully coordinated bedding look that exudes sophistication and elegance. Treat yourself to the luxury of premium quality bedding that offers both style and comfort in one convenient package. Experience the ultimate in comfort and style with our luxurious 6-piece bed sheet set.

2024-07-11 14:21:38

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