해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Umbra Arling Magazine Rack, Aged Walnut

상품번호 B083JY8488
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상품가격 35.00
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MODERN MAGAZINE RACK: This magazine rack has a modern, streamlined silhouette that is easy to place by your sofa, console or desk to provide both function and styleOPEN DISPLAY: Arling’s V-shaped, open design, allows you to easily grab your magazine or record of choice, while showing off a variety of cover artworksNATURAL WOOD FINISH: Arling’s natural wood finish, is both durable and unique, adding a subtle warm touch to your space while complementing multiple color palettesHIGH-QUALITY: This versatile magazine rack is made of high-quality natural bentwood that is made to lastFATHER\'S DAY GIFT IDEA: A great gift just for dad, this item is one of our top Father\'s Day gift ideas
Organize your magazine collection, while adding a warm, decorative touch to your space. A versatile and modern storage solution to place by your sofa, desk or console, Arling keeps your favorite, magazines, books, records or catalogs close by. Crafted of natural bentwood, this freestanding magazine rack complements a variety of palettes while showcasing your magazines and records with its open V-shape design. Measures 16. 25 (41. 2 cm) x 15. 7 (39. 8 cm) x 4. 5 (11. 4 cm) inches.

2025-01-07 01:29:34

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