해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SEIKO Watch for Men - Essentials Collection - with Sunray Finish, Date Calendar, LumiBrite Hands, Stainless Steel Case & Bracelet, and 100m Water Resistant

상품번호 B083SSHGKN
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Brand: SEIKO
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $220.00
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ImportedWHITE DIAL: this men\'s watch features a striking white dial, adding a touch of sophistication to any outfitLUMIBRITE HANDS: the watch is equipped with LumiBrite hands, ensuring you can tell the time even in low light conditionsGOLD-TONE STAINLESS STEEL CASE AND BRACELET: designed for durability, these men\'s watches are made with a gold-tone stainless steel case and bracelet that are made to last through everyday wearDATE CALENDAR: with the handy calendar function, keep track of the date right on the watch faceCALIBER 6N52 MOVEMENT: powered by the reliable Caliber 6N52 movement, this men\'s wrist watch ensures accurate timekeeping100M WATER RESISTANT: with a water resistance of 100M, this durable sports watch will keep you on time at the gym, in the pool, or in a downpourSEIKO QUALITY: handcrafted timepieces for every occasionCOMMON SEARCH TERMS: watches for men, seiko watches, seiko 5, sport watch, seiko sports watch, luxury watch, luxury watches for men, analog watch, mens watches seiko, mens watches, men watch, mens watch, mens seiko watch, men watches, nursing watch, dive watch, field watch, field watches, field watches for men, seiko watch, seiko watches, seiko watches for men, reloj seiko para hombre, relojes para hombre, relojes para hombres, watch band, mens gifts, gifts for men, gold watch
Founded in 1881, Seiko remains a world leader in both technically advanced and masterfully crafted timepieces, offering a comprehensive selection of luxury and standard watches with advanced mechanical, solar, and quartz movements. Determined from the beginning to "Always Stay One Step Ahead of the Rest," Seiko maintains an unwavering connection to its customers, dedicated to matching superior manufacturing with unwavering attention to the demands and delights of everyday life. Their Essentials Collection features classic and contemporary dial layouts as well as sportier features such as LumiBrite hands and markers, including options for every style. Offered in a variety of case sizes, menâ€s and ladies†designs showcase both smoothly linked and jewelry-inspired bracelets, along with leather and fabric straps. The collection features both quartz designs which allow for multi-layered and luxurious sunray dials and solar-powered watches that harness light with no need for a battery change. From 30M water resistance for everyday wear to 100M water resistance for water sport activities, Seiko watches are timepieces for any occasion. The Seiko is an understated luxury watch that combines classic elegance with modern features. The Seiko Essentials Men\'s Watch showcases the brand\'s commitment to superior manufacturing and attention to the everyday needs of its customers. Its silver dial boasts a sunray finish that adds a touch of sophistication, making it a perfect addition to both your casual and formal attires. Its calendar function ensures you never lose track of the date, keeping you organized and on top of your schedule. Its LumiBrite hands which glow in the dark, ensuring that you can tell the time even in low light conditions. This quartz watch is encased in a robust stainless steel case and bracelet, designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, and crafted with the reliable Caliber 6N52 movement, guaranteeing Seiko\'s famously precise timekeeping.

2023-09-19 20:16:50

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