해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Red Bull Energy Drink, Watermelon, Red Edition, 12 Fl Oz (Pack of 24)

상품번호 B0843HTM3R
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상품가격 $40.18
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One 24-pack of 12 fl oz cans of Red Bull Red Edition Watermelon Energy DrinkRed Bull Red Edition features the Red Bull formula of high-quality ingredients with the added taste of watermelon*Each 12 fl oz can of Red Bull Red Edition contains 114 mg of caffeine per serving, about the same amount as in an equal serving of home-brewed coffeeOne 12 fl oz can of Red Bull Red Edition contains 38 g of sugar, comparable to sugar levels found in apple juiceRed Bull Energy Drink is formulated to be wheat free, dairy free, lactose free, gluten free, vegetarian and non alcoholic
Red Bull gives you Wings in 1987, Red Bull not only launched a completely new product, It created a whole new product category — energy drinks. From Day one, Red Bull has been giving wings to people and ideas, setting many milestones in sports and culture. When TO DRINK Red Bull is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, busy professionals, college students and travelers on long journeys. For those who wish to have red Bulls benefits without sugars, Red Bull Sugar Free provides the wings of Red Bull Energy Drink without sugars. Red Bull was the first global energy drink brand to address the consumer request for sugar free energy drinks. Sustainability Red Bull is very aware of its environmental responsibility and is constantly striving for improvement. Red Bull has made a conscious decision to use 100% recyclable aluminum cans, and we developed our Red Bull coolers which use up to 45% less energy than conventional fridges. What\'s inside THE CAN Caffeine: caffeine has been known for its stimulating effects on the human body by ancient civilizations who consumed it from natural sources like tea, coffee, cacao beans & cola nuts. Taurine: Taurine is an amino acid, naturally occurring in the human body and present in the daily diet. It is involved in a wide range of biological processes. B-group Vitamins: vitamins are essential micronutrients that are required for maintaining normal body functions. B-group Vitamins play an important role in energy metabolism, such as the build-up and break-down of carbohydrates and protein. Sugars: Red Bull Energy Drink is made with real sugars. Sugars are well known carbohydrates and can be found in many foodstuffs from fruits and fruit juices to other beverages including energy drinks.

2024-04-04 17:47:26

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