해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CBTwear Someone Call My Aunt, Mommy's About to Lose Her Mind – Auntie Gift - Cute Infant One-Piece Baby Bodysuit

상품번호 B0844VHXBN
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상품가격 $13.85
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The Someone Call My Aunt, Mommy\'s About to Lose Her Mind onesie for newborns, infants, and toddlers features a witty and unique front design that is sure to give you and other adults a chuckle. As each CBTwear baby onesie is made with only the finest, high-quality materials, your baby is sure to be at their comfiest, and they will not fall apart after a few wash cycles. On top of this, our bodysuits are environmentally friendly. We only use eco-friendly ink and they each come pre-washed in chemical-free, sensitive to skin detergent for your baby\'s safety. The flexible and soft to the touch material we put into our onesies provide all-day comfort and make dressing time easy and fun. They can double as comfy underwear too! Keep in mind we have a whole selection of onesies, rompers, and creepers to choose from, so take a look at all of our different choices to pick the best one for your style preference. All of the baby creepers we sell are made with wonderfully soft and comfortable 100% cotton. They are pre-shrunk and pre-washed in free and clear, pure laundry detergent that is harmless to your baby\'s sensitive new skin. This means there is no need to wash them before their first wear. The professional grade, fabric screen-printing paint we use is non-toxic and free of solvents and artificial fragrances. It is permanent and is further heat-pressed after the painting process to ensure absolute permanence that will never fade. Care Instructions: To ensure the utmost longevity and integrity of our infant onesies, there are recommended care instructions to follow: Turn the bodysuit inside out. Machines wash it on the cold setting, on a delicate cycle. Tumble dry on a low heat setting. Never bleach it or get it dry-cleaned. Avoid ironing directly on the design.

2024-02-13 22:25:23

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