해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TruJump 12ft Trampoline with UV Resistant Safety Enclosure, ASTM Approved, Safe Padded Frame, Anti Rust Metal Frame, Heavy Duty, Outdoor Fun

상품번호 B0846LPTKT
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: TruJump
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $199.99
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12 FT TRAMPOLINE: Perfect addition to any backyard, the 6 pole trampoline provides a fun and safe enviornment for children to jump, play and enjoyRUST RESISTANT: The galvanized steel frame helps prevent rust from forming providing long quality useUV RESISTANT MAT: Trampoline park quality jump mat withstands over 5000 hours of UV testing, preventing early fadingENCLOSED NETTING: The UV-resistant polyethylene enclosure netting to prevent falling outSAFETY FEATURE: The Foam padded spring cover to prevent impact from the springs or metal
Upgrade your backyard play equipment with the TruJump 12 ft. Round Trampoline and with 6-Pole Safety Net Enclosure. The enclosure with heavy-duty UV-resistant polyethylene netting allows your children to little ones to play and bounce without the fear of falling out. The enclosure net also features a secured safety-clip entry that your children can close behind them and 6 heavy-duty support poles for added security. A reinforced, galvanized steel frame and high-quality TenCate Permatron jump mat that withstands over 5,000 hours of UV testing make this trampoline durable for dependable use year after year. The included foam padded spring cover adds extra safety by preventing falls and pinched fingers. The TruJump 12 ft. Round Trampoline and with 6-Pole Safety Net Enclosure measures 12\' x 12\' x 9\' to provide plenty of area for bouncing around without taking up too much space on your lawn. Tru-Jump trampolines combine fun and affordability to provide families with the best quality trampolines for the price. To ensure the highest safety, our products are constructed with galvanized steel frames, USA engineered TenCate Permatron jump mats and UV-resistant net enclosures that meet or exceed all industry standards.

2024-06-06 01:27:09

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