해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
XB-452 Automotive/Car/Truck Tire Bead Breaker Tool

상품번호 B084L3CNZ5
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상품가격 $159.00
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Portable and lightweight, small enough to take on the road.Easy to use with simple hand tools, 1 person operation.Does not require mounting, works on all sizes, including all passenger vehicles.Rugged all-Steel construction, Grade-5 Zinc coated hardware. Made in USA.Padded clamp will not dent or scratch rims.
The BeadBuster XB-452 manual bead breaker tool has all of the benefits of the original XB-450, with the addition of a removable clamp arm, and a extra long clamp arm that is necessary to use with cast aluminum and alloy passenger vehicle rims which have contouring or angled clamping surfaces that make the standard, shorter, clamp arm difficult to use. The long clamp arm will project about 3″ below the feet of the 45X tools, and contact the rim further down where the clamping surface is more parallel to the tool axis. It does not require mounting and can be operated with hand tools, it is small and light enough to take on the trail for emergency tire changes. The BeadBuster applies a reaction force directly against the lip of the rim and won’t bend lightweight aluminum rims from high compressive forces. It has a padded clamp and will NOT SCRATCH your rims. The BeadBuster is ruggedly designed, built entirely from steel with solid welds, uses Grade-5 and Grade-8 zinc-plated screws, and is proudly MADE IN USA! Most importantly, the BeadBuster is effective at removing stubborn tire beads. It is much safer and easier to use than any other bead breakers on the market.

2024-02-13 12:41:58

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