해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Yogasleep Dohm Classic (Pink) The Original White Noise Machine, Soothing Natural Sound from A Real Fan, Noise Cancelling for Office Privacy, Travel & Meditation, Sleep Therapy for Adults & Baby

상품번호 B084PRQ6D8
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상품가격 $49.99
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Loved by generations since 1962, the Dohm Classic features our signature fan-based natural white noise2 speed options for adjustable tone and volume creates a personalized sound environment, excellently masking noise for better sleepUNBEATABLE QUALITY & GUARANTEE: For over 50 years, Yogasleep has been the gold standard in white noise machines. Hand-assembled in the USA and backed by a one-year limited warranty and exceptional Yogasleep customer experience, we stand behind each product and offer you a 30-day return policy.Powered by a 7-foot 120V AC plug, just plug it in, flip the switch to high or low, then rotate the cap and collar to find the best sound for youDohm Classic model features our original design; fits anywhere and blends unobtrusively into surroundings

2024-04-04 18:50:40

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