해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Megan Front Upper Tower Brace Strut Bar (Steel/Aluminum Polish)(MR-SB-LI06FU-1P)

상품번호 B084T88FVG
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: UrMarketOutlet
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $89.69
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Placement: Front; UpperEnhances Steering Response and Stability; Tower Mounts (Brackets) are Made of Reinforced Steel for Extra Strength and DurabilityOne-Piece Race Spec Strut Tower Bar constructed of strong Aluminum to extremely tight tolerances and then polished to perfection. Increases Stiffness and Reduces Body Rolling during CorningInstallation: Not Guarantee Fitment on Model With Aftermarket Top Mount IntercoolerApplication Fit Vehicles need to check your compatibility
Strut Bar. One-Piece Race Spec Strut Tower Bar constructed of strong Aluminum to extremely tight tolerances and then polished to perfection. This bar ties the chassis from left to right at critical stress points (Between the shock/strut towers) to decrease body roll. As you drive and maneuver, your car undergoes many different forces that the chassis of the car absorbs; the brace helps to absorb the energy and directs these forces into your suspension components so that they can better do their job and serve their purpose more effectively. A must for any track-driven, and a great addition to any street or show car, this bar truly lives up to the Megan Racing name.

2024-11-26 21:51:03

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