해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magicshine MJ906S 4500 Lumen Front Bike Light, CREE LED IPX6 Waterproof Bike Light, Perfect LED Bike Light for Mountain Biking Road Biking Bike Helmet Light, USB Rechargeable Bike Lights

상품번호 B084WSMGCB
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상품가격 $199.99
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?【Built for Hardcore Enduro】MJ-906S is specifically designed for our downhill MTB super fans. 2x super charged LEDs capable of 4500 lumens of max output. No longer limited by darkness, tear up the trails as you see fit!?【Protection All Around】For actual road use, you might not want to unleash the full power of MJ-906S. With the new addition of the independent Daytime Running Light, side lighting and vertical diffuser, you are protecting yourself as well as fellow cyclists and motorists.?【Advanced Heat Management】Due to the high output, we have taken the internal heat management system up a notch. Much of the MJ-906S is covered by efficient heat dissipation fins to help with fast cooling.?【One Button for Light Mode】MJ-906S offers 14 different lighting modes, including all brightness levels and DRL mode. The button is very large and easy to press with winter gloves. Your last used light mode is also stored for your next trip.?【6-12V e-bike Compatible】Compatible with most mainstream e-bike manufacturers such as Brose, Bosch, Shimano and Yamaha etc. MJ-906S can be hooked up to the light port of your e-bike battery. To enter e-bike compatible mode, simply press and hold the power switch for 8 seconds.?【Smart Day Light Mode】When powered by e-bike, the MJ-906S becomes light sensitive. As the day is slowly winding down to dusk, the light switches from day light safety mode to night time full beam constant mode. Letting you know it’s time to hit that trail.?【Fast and Easy Mounting】MJ-906S adopts the Garmin quarter turn style mount. Easy and convenient to put on and take off. Other mounting options are readily available such as helmet mounting and our own TTA out front style aluminum mount.

2024-07-10 14:47:50

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