해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bonvoisin Precision Scale 5000gx0.1g Digital Lab Scale Accurate Electronic Balance Portable Laboratory Analytical Balance Industrial Counting Scale Jewery Kitchen Scale CE Certified(5000g, 0.1g)

상품번호 B08523BSCW
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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Test, Measure & Inspect
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상품가격 $92.00
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UNITS SWITCH: 6 units: g, kg, ct, tl, oz, dwt for 3kg, 5kg and 6kg capacity counting scales; 13 units: g/ ct (carat)/ lb/ oz (ounce)/ dr/ gn (grain)/ ozt/ dwt/ MM/ tl.J/ tl.T/ tl.H/ t for 7.5kg and 10kg capacity counting scales.Multifunctional - 1. Tare function to subtract container weight; 2. Counting function to count multiple accessories such as nuts, screws, jewelry, etc.0.1g Resolution, Minimum Weighing 0.5g - The 0.1 gram scale can weigh 0.5g at minimum and 10kg/ 22 lb at maximum. Linearity error range: ±0.4 gram.Dual Power Sources - The precision scale can be powered by 100-240V adapter (included) or 4 AA batteries (not included).Material - Stainless steel made enlarged weighing pan (7.09 X 7.09") enables this digital scale to weigh multiple items like jewelry, screws, powder and etc. which can be widely applied to laboratory, school, business, jeweler. Non-slip mat with adjustable front and rear legs and a level indicator design makes this lab balance suits different weighing environment better.

2024-07-10 08:46:12

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