해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Owala FreeSip Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Straw for Sports, Travel, and School BPA-Free Sports Water Bottle, 24 oz, Very, Very Dark

상품번호 B085DTZQNZ
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상품가격 $27.94
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24-ounce insulated stainless-steel water bottle with a FreeSip spout and push-button lid with lockPatented FreeSip spout designed for either sipping upright through the built-in straw or tilting back to swig from the spout openingProtective push-to-open lid keeps spout clean; convenient carry loop doubles as a lockDouble-wall insulation keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours; wide opening for cleaning and adding ice; cup holder-friendly baseBPA, lead, and phthalate-free; hand wash cup, dishwasher-safe lid; not for use with hot liquids
The Owala FreeSip Insulated Stainless-Steel Water Bottle with Locking Push-Button Lid easily tackles every thirst. With a built-in, easy-clean straw and a wide-mouth opening, the FreeSip reusable bottle is designed for drinking two different ways: sipping upright through the straw or tilting back to swig from the wide-mouth spout opening. Add in a push-to-open lid and playful colors, and staying hydrated has never been simpler—or more fun. Additional features include double-wall insulated stainless steel that keeps drinks cold up to 24 hours, a carry loop that doubles as a lock, a cup holder-friendly base, and a wide opening for easy cleaning and adding ice. The Owala FreeSip Insulated Stainless-Steel Water Bottle with Locking Push-Button Lid is available in three sizes: 24-Ounce, 32-Ounce, and 40-Ounce. Lid is dishwasher safe; hand wash cup. Not for use with hot liquids. Manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty.

2024-11-29 16:44:01

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