해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
REDMAKER 3Ply Disposable Face Mask Dental Industrial Ear Loop Mouth Cover Anti Dust Face Mouth Masks Respirator Medical Facial Mask

상품번호 B085NYBRJN
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.1. Made of environmental friendly material, moisture-proof, non-toxic, non-irritating, soft and comfortable.2. Breathable material and cute patterns, which makes it useful and fashionable.3. Special 3 ply non-woven design, provides protections against dust, automobile exhaust, pollen, etc.4. Perfect design, when you wear it , it fits seamlessly into your face. Elastic ear loop is easy to wear and no pressure to the ears.5. nail salon or any other areas where protection might be required
10/200PC Disposable Face Mask Dental Industrial 3Ply Ear LoopDescription: The 3 ply non-woven disposable mask is made of 3 ply non-woven material, it is healthy and safe for you to use. Breathable material and cute patterns, which makes it useful and fashionable. Special 3 ply non-woven design, provides some protections against dust, automobile exhaust, pollen, etc. Elastic ear loop, easy to wear and no pressure to the ears. nail salon or any other areas where protection might be requiredFeatures: 1. Made of environmental friendly material, moisture-proof, non-toxic, non-irritating, soft and comfortable.2. Breathable material and cute patterns, which makes it useful and fashionable.3. Special 3 ply non-woven design, provides protections against dust, automobile exhaust, pollen, etc.4. Perfect design, when you wear it , it fits seamlessly into your face. Elastic ear loop is easy to wear and no pressure to the ears.5. nail salon or any other areas where protection might be requiredPackage included:10-200pcs masks

2020-03-12 17:31:31

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