해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BLOOBLOOMAX Baby Infant Rattle Socks Toys, Sock rattles for Babies 0-24 Months Baby Animal Foot Finder Learning Toy (Cotton A)

상품번호 B0869H92Q1
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Baby & Toddler Toys
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상품가격 $8.92
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Plush & CottonImported< Safe material >: Made from high-quality and eco-friendly material, cotton and plush,no smell and non-toxic,safe and soft for babies to play.< Baby partner >:Foot finder socks set was adjustable, suitable for 0 month up baby boys or girls.Perfect gift for Newborn baby.< Foot finder Scoks >:Socks with breathable and soft knitted fabric,very comfortable for little babies to wear.? EARLY DEVELOPMENT -- These colorful smiling cute animals and bugs will entice little baby to touch, grab and look at them. It will help to develop their hand, foot and eye co-ordination. Strengthening Color Cognition/Vision Cognition/Hearing Development & Voice< Early development >:High contrast colors and patterns work to stimulate baby\'s vision.Best toys for babies when they\'re in car/stroller/mamaroo/bed/baby chair alone.4 Socks/ Set, 4 animals because\'gift.

2024-05-15 11:48:30

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