해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DEWENWILS Magnifying Glass with Light, 2X 6X Magnification, Handheld LED Magnifier Glasses for Close Work, Hands Free, Lightweight & Scratch Resistant, for Kids Science, Seniors Reading, Crafts

상품번호 B086HGZCGK
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상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Model & Hobby Building
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상품가격 4.46
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【2X 6X Magnification】The magnifying glass provides 2X and 6X magnification, clear & distortion free, reduce eye strain when reading small print on newspapers or instructions, perfect for close work, such as jewelry/watch repair, soldering, needlework etc.【Hands Free & Handheld】 Flexible design, the handheld magnifying glass can also be used as a hands-free desktop magnifying glass, stable and solid, convenient for workbench and craft table. The lens is 90°adjustable for your use.【Battery Operated LED Light】Magnifier glass with light, built-in enrgy efficient LED, 2x AA batteries operated( NOT INCLUDED), bright enough for reading in low light areas. Easy to operate with an on/off switch.【Optical Grade Acrylic Lens】 3.5 inch crystal clear lens, made of optical grade acrylic, scratch resistant and shatterproof, lightweight for kids and senior use. A lens cleaning cloth & carrying pouch is included for taking it anywhere.【Widely Used】2X & 6X magnification , perfect for viewing details on coins and stamps, small print, details in artwork, etc. A nice gift for the elderly who have glaucoma or macular degeneration.

2024-09-05 02:38:04

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